Total Credits: 2 including 2 Accounting (Governmental) - Technical
The Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200) is revised effective November 12, 2020. The greatest changes occur to the procurement standards and particularly he methods of procurement. A delineation between the informal and formal procurement processes is the threshold for competition. The ability to increase the Micro Purchase Threshold (MPT) and limitation on the Simplified Acquisition Threshold (SAT) requires a careful look at this OMB update to the Uniform Guidance.
Important CPE Credit Information_READ BEFORE WEBCAST UPDATED (0.47 MB) | Available after Purchase |
Procurement Standards_Slides (7.5 MB) | Available after Purchase |
Exploring the Revised Procurement Standards_Q&A (15.1 KB) | Available after Purchase |
Mr. Calabrese has hands-on experience with the Uniform Guidance for Federal grants recipients: nonprofits, universities, hospitals, and state/local/tribal units of governments. His skill-set involves: grant cost accounting, sub-recipient monitoring, preparation of over (100) indirect rates / NICRA for several Federal agencies, developed policies and procedures, medical management systems invoicing to state Medicaid agencies and toolkit for unit cost rates for Ryan White HIV AIDS HRSA awards. Paul has developed grant and financial statement dashboards. He has performed out-sourced CFO duties, annual budgets, cash flow projections, grant draws and budget monitoring.