Total Credits: 2 including 2 Accounting (Governmental) - Technical
The Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200) is revised effective November 12, 2020. The Uniform Guidance provides the rules for grants and cooperative agreements funded by the U.S. Government. The revision reflects a foundational shift to focus on enhanced results-oriented accountability for grants and cooperative agreements based on performance. As a part of President’s management agenda, the revision will improve stewardship and ensure the American people receive value for Federal funds spent on various grant programs. This update will provide an example of performance initiates by demonstrating performance-based payments using unit cost rates in lieu of cost reimbursable invoicing.
Important CPE Credit Information_READ BEFORE WEBCAST UPDATED (0.47 MB) | Available after Purchase |
CFR-Revision-Redline (1.3 MB) | Available after Purchase |
OMB_Slides_Handout (4.1 MB) | 39 Pages | Available after Purchase |
OMB Update – Revised Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200_Q&A (12.8 KB) | Available after Purchase |
Mr. Calabrese has hands-on experience with the Uniform Guidance for Federal grants recipients: nonprofits, universities, hospitals, and state/local/tribal units of governments. His skill-set involves: grant cost accounting, sub-recipient monitoring, preparation of over (100) indirect rates / NICRA for several Federal agencies, developed policies and procedures, medical management systems invoicing to state Medicaid agencies and toolkit for unit cost rates for Ryan White HIV AIDS HRSA awards. Paul has developed grant and financial statement dashboards. He has performed out-sourced CFO duties, annual budgets, cash flow projections, grant draws and budget monitoring.